Work Package 1: Project coordination

WP 1

coordination trans



LU, Latvia

The objective of this WP is to ensure successful EUCanScreen implementation, including the necessary reporting requirements. Specific objectives are as follows:
1) To manage allocated human, technical and financial resources;
2) To ensure proper coordination between various work packages;
3) To manage and coordinate project’s activities to achieve planned milestones as efficient as possible;
4) To secure timely delivery of high-quality outputs/completion of deliverables;
5) To facilitate smooth and continuous communication among the consortium partners and stakeholders;
6) To ensure timely reporting in line with Financing Agreement.

Activities and division of work (WP description)

Task Nr Task Name Description Participants
T1.1 Administrative coordination All necessary conditions and structures will be created for successful project implementation… LU, All partners
T1.2 Scientific coordination ScC will be central planning and supervisory body of the best available knowledge of EUCanScreen. The leaders of particular Tasks and other experts will be involved whenever required, as well as other stakeholders and society representatives. LU OIL, DoH IE, ICO, ISPRO, UWK, OUS, DYPEDE CSF, NKIP, SCI, IOCN, Unicancer, EMC, SPKC
T1.3 Steering committee (SC) SC comprised of one CA representative, able and authorized to make strategic decisions, will manage consortium work, provide professional advice, ensure delivery of the project outputs and achievement of project outcomes, and provide support, guidance and oversight of project progress. SC meetings will be organised to get updates on project progress, evaluate process and achievements, plan the next steps and make strategic decisions. LU All CA
T1.4 Regular reporting Project reports will be prepared and submitted according to the reporting requirements (time and format) set out in the Grant Agreement and be used to create a consolidated report. Partners will submit their reports to the Project Coordinator via the project management system. LU All partners
Task Nr Task Name Description Participants Role In-kind Contributions/Subcontracting
T1.1 Administrative coordination All necessary conditions and structures will be created for successful project implementation… LU, All partners COO, BEN, AE, AP No
T1.2 Scientific coordination ScC will be central planning and supervisory body of the best available knowledge of EUCanScreen. The leaders of particular Tasks and other experts will be involved whenever required, as well as other stakeholders and society representatives. LU OIL, DoH IE, ICO, ISPRO, UWK, OUS, DYPEDE CSF, NKIP, SCI, IOCN, Unicancer, EMC, SPKC COO BEN AE No
T1.3 Steering committee (SC) SC comprised of one CA representative, able and authorized to make strategic decisions, will manage consortium work, provide professional advice, ensure delivery of the project outputs and achievement of project outcomes, and provide support, guidance and oversight of project progress. SC meetings will be organised to get updates on project progress, evaluate process and achievements, plan the next steps and make strategic decisions. LU All CA COO BEN No
T1.4 Regular reporting Project reports will be prepared and submitted according to the reporting requirements (time and format) set out in the Grant Agreement and be used to create a consolidated report. Partners will submit their reports to the Project Coordinator via the project management system. LU All partners COO BEN, AE, AP No

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Logo EU EUCanScreen VerticalThe general objective of EUCanScreen is to assure sustainable implementation of high-quality screening for breast, cervical and colorectal cancers, as well as implementation of the recently recommended screening programs – for lung, prostate and gastric cancers. EUCanScreen will facilitate the reduction of cancer burden and achieving equity across the EU.







EUCanScreenLogo t

The general objective of EUCanScreen is to assure sustainable implementation of high-quality screening for breast, cervical and colorectal cancers, as well as implementation of the recently recommended screening programs – for lung, prostate and gastric cancers. EUCanScreen will facilitate the reduction of cancer burden and achieving equity across the EU.






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This project has received funding from the European Union’s EU4HEALTH Programme under the Grant Agreement no 101162959

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