Work Package 11: Capacity-building

WP 11

capacity building transp


romania transp

IOCN, Romania, co-led by SPKC, Latvia

The overall objective is to empower current and future leaders of cancer screening in exemplary countries to successfully implement or improve organised population-based screening in their respective countries.
Specific objectives are as follows:
1) To develop a framework on competencies for leadership in cancer screening, including knowledge, skills and motivation;
2) To develop a modular training programme for leadership training in cancer screening;
3) To conduct leadership training for exemplary countries aimed at improving cancer screening implementation in their countries.

Activities and division of work (WP description)

Task Nr Task Name Description Participants
T11.1 Leadership training in cancer screening Subtask 11.1.1. Development of cancer screening leadership competence framework, including knowledge and skills needed for successful implementation, operation and development of organised, population-based cancer screening in national environment. Subtask 11.1.2. Modular training curriculum including technical part (covered by consortium) and leadership part (covered by subcontractors). Subtask 11.1.3. Leadership trainings. Eight virtual and two face-to face 3-day trainings. Face-to-face trainings will include 1-day sustainability workshop (developed in task 4.6) and 2-day leadership training (developed in task 11.1), joint organisation will add to the synergy of the contents as well as feasibility and rational use of project finances. All countries will be invited to participate in leadership trainings This task will be led by OIL, Slovenia. OIL, DoH IE, ISPRO, ICO, RIVM CSF, IOCN, SPKC, NIJZ
T11.2 Education and certification of physicians on new screening approaches The task entails delivery of an educational program to clinicians involved in screening and their certification, which may become mandatory in some countries to manage/practice such screening activities. The program will be delivered through the online training platform, developed by a web design company. A tailor-made computing service with secured access would enable project partners to upload their training materials and trainees to receive training and get certified using online evaluations. The task will be led by HCL, France. NKIP, OIL HCL, IOCN, FHF, EMC, DYPEDE,
T11.3 Training and audit of colonoscopies This task encompasses activities organised into the following subtasks: 1.Training of Colonoscopy Trainers (TCTs): This initial phase is of paramount importance as it lays the foundation for effective instruction. 2. Execution of an Interactive Course at a Prominent Institution: this phase places significant emphasis on active participation, providing delegates with a hands-on experience. The curriculum encompasses advanced colonoscopy techniques and pedagogical principles aimed at refining individual colonoscopy proficiency and instructional aptitude. 3. Deliberation on Training and Task Assignments, Culminating in Conclusive Insights dedicated to comprehensive discussions on training This task will be led by MSCI, Poland, co-led by SPKC, Latvia. MSCI, ICO, ISPRO SPKC, IDIVAL, OUS, AUSLRE IRCCS-BARI
T11.4 Training and audit of upper endoscopies A series of courses will be delivered to increase best-of-practice knowledge and alter attitudes and behaviours towards gastroscopy. A B-learning methodology is proposed, with the online component addressing basic technological and technique (including advanced technologies features), followed by a face-to-face 2 full days dedicated to soft skills, reinforcing knowledge and clinical cases discussion. European experts in gastric cancer diagnosis and therapy will be asked to provide input. Each course will include 28 attendees across Europe, who would then implement all the knowledge and attitudes in their unit. The efficacy of the courses would be determined by a) changes in quality parameters b) improvement in cancer detection rate and c) and improved accuracy of endoscopic biopsies (vs histology). This will be done both by self-reporting and assessment of recorded gastroscopies. Altogether, 3 training courses [two in PT, one in LT] with an estimated duration of 6 months [online training, face-to-face course and post-course assessment] will be delivered (Y2 to Y4). This task will be led by IPO, Porto, Portugal. IPOPorto, LSMUKK, FCI, IDIVAL
T11.5 Cervical cancer screening specialist training and regional training centre A competence framework for training in colposcopy and how to run a colposcopy clinic will be developed. A logbook for training, an OSCE exam and audit manual will be produced. Activities will be continuous evaluated and a mini rapport will be created after evaluation of audits performed by a trainer. Existing interactive colposcopy training atlases will be optimized. Specific courses will include 3 interactive (with teacher) online colposcopy courses; three 1-day practical training on treatment courses at a hospital; 3 1-day online train the trainer/ mentor courses; two face to face 3 day train the trainer courses including screening and audit in the curriculum; one 3-day specialist training course focusing on AIS, pregnancy and immunosuppressed women; four MDT training meetings. This task will be led by OUS, Norway. ISPRO, SoS, IOL OUS, LSMUKK, RCC, SCUH, IOCN, HSE
T11.6 Training and audit of the quality of low-dose CT (LDCT) scans: a regional (LDCT) training centre The task encompasses the following key elements: 1. Development of training materials for healthcare professionals involved in LDCT screening with contribution of European experts. Modular courses will involve both web-based theoretical trainings and subsequent hands-on workshops with focus on the radiological aspects of LDCT screenings including image interpretation, identification of suspicious findings, and reporting standards. The comprehensive web-based training material will consist of several modules focused on LDCT screening healthcare workers with different backgrounds (board certified radiologists, radiology residents, radiographers, nurses. etc.) A comprehensive slide collection will be curated, comprising a diverse range of LCS cases and scenarios to enable trainees to apply their knowledge to actual LCS cases. 2. Development of harmonised training material and content on how to set up an LDCT screening centre. 3. In the first 2 years at least 10 targeted web-based courses (with no limits for participant number) will be organized. In order to ensure harmonisation of practices across Europe, lecturers will be delegated from various participating European countries. These will be followed by 3-day-long onsite hands-on training occasions offered mainly to radiology residents to a minimum of 90 trainees (mainly radiology residents). 4. In Hungary, a new regional LDCT training centre will be established with 10 computer workstations to accommodate on-site skill-based hands-on trainings. Dedicated workstations will be equipped with state-of-the-art software and tools, mirroring real-world clinical settings. 5. Web-based workshops will be organised for professionals of leading screening centres to facilitate networking, discuss experiences and share best practices with the aim of providing continuing professional development and the highest quality LDCT screening all over Europe. 6. Definition of standards of procedures, and requirements for external accreditation, and quality criteria for audits. This task will be led by NKIP, Hungary. NKIP, OIL, ISPRO, TAI LSMUKK, UT, AP-HP, IOCN IGiCHP
T11.7 Regional mammography training centre Regional mammography training centre will be established in Latvia by involving local and international expertise and serve as a reference centre. Activities grouped under the following sub-tasks will take place: 11.7.1. European survey to assess the situation of trainings in breast cancer screening in Y1. The results will be assessed in a meeting in Riga with country experts (LV, DK, IT, SP, SI, UA, CY) to inform development of a training programme and to prepare a manuscript submitted for publication in Y2. 11.7.2. Train the Trainers: in Y1-Y2, future Latvian trainers (radiologists) will participate in courses in DK and IT to prepare for training others. 11.7.3. Mammography training, including hands-on training and theoretical teaching, and advanced technologies (AI and MRI) will be part of the programme. 11.7.1. Experts in radiology, radiography, physics, epidemiology, AI and other will be involved. Altogether 4 training courses will be delivered starting with Y2 till Y4 for radiologists (up to 14 per course) and radiographers (up to 4). Up to 56 radiologists and 16 radiographers are expected to be trained overall. This task will be led by LU, Latvia, co-led by RSYD, Denmark. LU RSYD, OIL, ISPRO, ICO IOCN, UCY, NCI

Task NrTask NameDescriptionParticipantsRoleIn-kind Contributions/Subcontracting
T11.1Leadership training in
cancer screening
Subtask 11.1.1. Development of cancer screening leadership competence framework, including knowledge and skills needed for successful implementation, operation and development of organised, population-based cancer screening in national environment.
Subtask 11.1.2. Modular training curriculum including technical part (covered by consortium) and leadership part (covered by subcontractors).
Subtask 11.1.3. Leadership trainings. Eight virtual and two face-to face 3-day trainings. Face-to-face trainings will include 1-day sustainability workshop (developed in task 4.6) and 2-day leadership training (developed in task 11.1), joint organisation will add to the synergy of the contents as well as feasibility and rational use of project finances.
All countries will be invited to participate in leadership trainings
This task will be led by OIL, Slovenia.


T11.2Education and certification
of physicians on new
screening approaches
The task entails delivery of an educational program to clinicians involved in screening and their certification, which may become mandatory in some countries to manage/practice such screening activities. The program will be delivered through the online training platform, developed by a web design company. A tailor-made computing service with secured access would enable project partners to upload their training materials and trainees to receive training and get certified using online evaluations.
The task will be led by HCL, France.


Yes (subcontracting)
T11.3Training and audit of
This task encompasses activities organised into the following subtasks:
1.Training of Colonoscopy Trainers (TCTs): This initial phase is of paramount importance as it lays the foundation for effective instruction.
2. Execution of an Interactive Course at a Prominent Institution: this phase places significant emphasis on active participation, providing delegates with a hands-on experience. The curriculum encompasses advanced colonoscopy techniques and pedagogical principles aimed at refining individual colonoscopy proficiency and instructional aptitude.
3. Deliberation on Training and Task Assignments, Culminating in Conclusive Insights dedicated to comprehensive discussions on training This task will be led by MSCI, Poland, co-led by SPKC, Latvia.



T11.4Training and audit of upper endoscopiesA series of courses will be delivered to increase best-of-practice knowledge and alter attitudes and behaviours towards gastroscopy. A B-learning methodology is proposed, with the online component addressing basic technological and technique (including advanced technologies features), followed by a face-to-face 2 full days dedicated to soft skills, reinforcing knowledge and clinical cases discussion.
European experts in gastric cancer diagnosis and therapy will be asked to provide input. Each course will include 28 attendees across Europe, who would then implement all the knowledge and attitudes in their unit. The efficacy of the courses would be determined by a) changes in quality parameters b) improvement in cancer detection rate and c) and improved accuracy of endoscopic biopsies (vs histology). This will be done both by self-reporting and assessment of recorded gastroscopies. Altogether, 3 training courses [two in PT, one in LT] with an estimated duration of 6 months [online training, face-to-face course and post-course assessment] will be delivered (Y2 to Y4).
This task will be led by IPO, Porto, Portugal.


T11.5Cervical cancer screening specialist training and regional training centreA competence framework for training in colposcopy and how to run a colposcopy clinic will be developed. A logbook for training, an OSCE exam and audit manual will be produced. Activities will be continuous evaluated and a mini rapport will be created after evaluation of audits performed by a trainer. Existing interactive
colposcopy training atlases will be optimized. Specific courses will include 3 interactive (with teacher) online colposcopy courses; three 1-day practical training on treatment courses at a hospital; 3 1-day online train the trainer/ mentor courses; two face to face 3 day train the trainer courses including screening and audit in the curriculum; one 3-day specialist training course focusing on AIS, pregnancy and immunosuppressed women; four MDT training meetings.
This task will be led by OUS, Norway.
Yes (subcontracting)
T11.6Training and audit of the
quality of low-dose CT
(LDCT) scans: a regional
(LDCT) training centre

The task encompasses the following key elements:
1. Development of training materials for healthcare professionals involved in LDCT screening with contribution of European experts. Modular courses will involve both
web-based theoretical trainings and subsequent hands-on workshops with focus on the radiological aspects of LDCT screenings including image interpretation, identification of suspicious findings, and reporting standards. The comprehensive web-based training material will consist of several modules focused on LDCT screening healthcare workers with different backgrounds (board certified
radiologists, radiology residents, radiographers, nurses. etc.) A comprehensive slide collection will be curated, comprising a diverse range of LCS cases and scenarios to enable trainees to apply their knowledge to actual LCS cases.
2. Development of harmonised training material and content on how to set up an LDCT screening centre.
3. In the first 2 years at least 10 targeted web-based courses (with no limits for participant number) will be organized. In order to ensure harmonisation of practices across Europe, lecturers will be delegated from various participating European countries. These will be followed by 3-day-long onsite hands-on training occasions offered mainly to radiology residents to a minimum of 90 trainees (mainly radiology residents).
4. In Hungary, a new regional LDCT training centre will be established with 10 computer workstations to accommodate on-site skill-based hands-on trainings. Dedicated workstations will be equipped with state-of-the-art software and tools,
mirroring real-world clinical settings.
5. Web-based workshops will be organised for professionals of leading screening centres to facilitate networking, discuss experiences and share best practices with the aim of providing continuing professional development and the highest quality
LDCT screening all over Europe.
6. Definition of standards of procedures, and requirements for external accreditation, and quality criteria for audits.
This task will be led by NKIP, Hungary.




T11.7Regional mammography
training centre
Regional mammography training centre will be established in Latvia by involving local and international expertise and serve as a reference centre. Activities grouped under the following sub-tasks will take place:
11.7.1. European survey to assess the situation of trainings in breast cancer screening in Y1. The results will be assessed in a meeting in Riga with country
experts (LV, DK, IT, SP, SI, UA, CY) to inform development of a training programme and to prepare a manuscript submitted for publication in Y2.
11.7.2. Train the Trainers: in Y1-Y2, future Latvian trainers (radiologists) will
participate in courses in DK and IT to prepare for training others.
11.7.3. Mammography training, including hands-on training and theoretical teaching, and advanced technologies (AI and MRI) will be part of the programme.
11.7.1. Experts in radiology, radiography, physics, epidemiology, AI and other will be involved. Altogether 4 training courses will be delivered starting with Y2 till Y4 for radiologists (up to 14 per course) and radiographers (up to 4). Up to 56 radiologists and 16 radiographers are expected to be trained overall.
This task will be led by LU, Latvia, co-led by RSYD, Denmark.

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The general objective of EUCanScreen is to assure sustainable implementation of high-quality screening for breast, cervical and colorectal cancers, as well as implementation of the recently recommended screening programs – for lung, prostate and gastric cancers. EUCanScreen will facilitate the reduction of cancer burden and achieving equity across the EU.






This project has received funding from the European Union’s EU4HEALTH Programme under the Grant Agreement no 101162959

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