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synergies to beat cancer HADEA3

Fostering synergies to beat cancer: The impact of EU-funded projects

February 4th in Brussels, Belgium Fostering synergies to beat cancer: The impact of EU-funded projects An event entitled "Fostering synergies to beat cancer: The impact of EU-funded projects" was organised by HaDEA on February 4th in Brussels, Belgium, to mark the World Cancer Day and demonstrate the impact of various grants

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WP6 04

WP6 “Addressing Barriers and Enablers in Cancer Screening” kicked-off in Oslo

Oslo, Norway, 30.01.2025 - 31.01.2025 WP6 "Addressing Barriers and Enablers in Cancer Screening" kicked-off in Oslo The inaugural meeting of the EUCanScreen project's Work Package 6 (WP6) "Addressing Barriers and Enablers in Cancer Screening" was held in Oslo, Norway, on January 30th and 31st. The objective of the meeting is to evaluate

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european cancer ORGANISATION

Prevention, Early Detection and Screening Network Meeting, 15.10.24

15.10.2024 Prevention, Early Detection and Screening Network Meeting October 15 EUCanScreen was presented to the Prevention, Early and Screening Network group of the European Cancer Organization (ECO). ECO expressed its interest to participate in the EUCanScreen Stakeholder Forum and readiness to share their experience, in particular, related to addressing inequalities. ECO also expressed

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Latvijas Universitātes Medicīnas un dzīvības zinātņu fakultātes Klīniskās un profilaktiskās medicīnas institūta (LU KPMI) rīktotā «EUCanScreen» projekta atklāšanas sanāksmes dalībnieku kopbilde

A kick off week for JA, EUCanScreen in Riga, Latvia 25.09.24 – 27.09.24

25.09.2024 - 27.09.204 A kick off week for JA, EUCanScreen Riga, Latvia Last week was pivotal for the Joint Action on European Cancer Screening (JA EU) project, marking developments in the ongoing efforts to strengthen cancer screening systems across Europe. A total of 209 attendees from 30 partnering countries, joined us in person during

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